Drought-resistant hybrids

Advanced yields always bring you more. Or not always? Afraid of drought? Choose safety, choose Golden west seeds hybrids 

  • At Golden West Seeds, having closely monitored environmental changes and how they affect growers income over the years, we have adapted, since 2005, our maize hybrid breeding program accordingly for high performance hybrids under drought conditions. 🌽 
  • All these years of efforts concluded in our FAO 170 to 400 real drought resistant hybrids. 🌽
  • We have tested our innovative technology hybrids all over BG, under trials, demos and commercial fields and we can confidently say that we offer SAFETY up to 10 and sometimes 20% more yield than standard hybrids under drought conditions. 🌽
  • Our new high-yielding, drought-tolerant corn hybrids, are farmer’s ideal/clever/reasonable choice in their fight against drought. 🌽


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